13 bar diatonic Alto Metallophone/Glockenspiel (16 bars with 3 extend bars)

13 bar diatonic Alto Metallophone/Glockenspiel (16 bars with 3 extend bars)
銷售價︰ HKD3,600.00 HKD2,650.00
購買數量︰     - 或 -   收藏
  • Finely Tuned Steel Bars
  • Diatonic Alto Glockenspiel
  • Three Chamber Wooden Box
  • Includes Beaters and Spare Bars
  • Great For Schools and Learning Institutes



An ideal instrument for schools and learning institutes. 

The high quality bars are made from highly tempered metal that has been finely tuned, which gives a clear sound. 

The three chamber wooden frame provides excellent resonance throughout the range of the instrument. Included with this glockenspiel are necessary F# and Bb bars, making it possible to use in three different keys, and a pair of beaters to enable playing straight out of the box.



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Email : cs@springofgrace.com