13 bar diatonic Soprano Xylophone (16 bars with 3 extend bar)

13 bar diatonic Soprano Xylophone (16 bars with 3 extend bar)
銷售價︰ HKD2,600.00 HKD1,988.00
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  • Finely Tuned Wooden Bars
  • Diatonic Soprano Xylophone
  • Three Chamber Wooden Box
  • Includes Beaters and Spare Bars
  • Great For Schools and Learning Institutes


An ideal instrument for schools and learning institutes.

The high quality bars are made from precision tuned wooden bars that give a clear sound that is full of tone.

The three chamber wooden frame provides excellent resonance throughout the range of the instrument. Included with this xylophone are necessary F# and Bb bars, making it possible to use in three different keys, and a pair of beaters to enable playing straight out of the box.



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Email : cs@springofgrace.com