恩泉音樂外展事工 Spring of Grace Music Extension Music Ministry
Cambodia Music Shop Ministry
蒙 神恩典,恩泉音樂認識到主內柬埔寨生命之泉WATER OF LIFE 的肢體們。他們都是柬埔寨中少數的基督徒青年,他們積極行善,愛神愛人,當中更有不少是音樂人材。他們之中的音樂人與恩泉音樂的理念一致,不謀而合。他們不但十分熱心地向當地朋友分享音樂,開辦免費的結他班、英文班等,亦非常喜歡向人傳講福音。我們公司十分欣賞這班年青人,希望為這些年青人盡一分力。因此,我們跟他們合力作了一件新的事工,就是把資金投資在這班年青人身上,幫助他們以音樂作職業謀生,教導他們以音樂產品去作生意,同時以音樂去服事人,傳揚福音。
Christians among the youth in Cambodia is a minority. However, brothers and sisters from WATER OF LIFE in Cambodia are young and enthusiastic Christians who always love God and the others, as well as to do good things to the others. At the same time, many of them are talent in music. Spring of Grace Music is so blessed to meet them that the musicians in Water of Life have the same heart and mission with us. They are enthusiastic to share music with their local friends, so they provide free guitar classes, English classes, etc. They are also very pleased to preach the gospel through the classes. We extremely appreciate these young people. In order to support their great work, we create a new ministry, which is to invest funds to this group of young people, helping them to build their career in music by selling musical products as a business. Consequently, they can use music to serve others and share the Gospel.
2015年8月 WATER OF LIFE 的肢體們來香港交流,在尖沙咀與一些教會一同以音樂和舞蹈表演作佈道,分享信仰,,吸引很多途人留下欣賞。他們當中一些音樂人也來到恩泉音樂作探訪及演奏, 我們都希望用所有的能力去幫助人, 以音樂去傳揚主名, 一起為上主發夢。
In August 2015, brothers and sisters from Water of Life came to Hong Kong. They went to some churches for sharing. Also, they held an event in Tsim Sha Tsui. They shared their faith and belief through their music and dance performances. A crowd of people were attracted and they enjoyed the show. In addition, the musicians of Water of Life visited our company and played the music with us. We shared our faith and we discussed how to use all of our abilities to help other people and to spread the name of the Lord by using music.
以正當的生意行商, 使社會繁榮進步
賺到的收入, 幫助到自己也能幫助到有需要的人
We develop our own business. When we use our income properly, it can help the needy, which in turns can contribute to the social development and prosperity. From the past until now, a lot of famous songs are written related to God. Therefore, people who study music would be more likely to know God.
This is what Spring of Grace Music want to do, and this is our mission.
1. Glorifying Lord by using music to do a business
We believe it is not only a business, but also a development of society. We teach music skills, provide music instruments, innovate and repair, bringing cultures, convenience, innovation, improvement and resources to society.
For customers, we would like to let them get in touch and know more about music culture by providing high quality instrument courses.
For employees, we offer jobs, salaries and training to make good use of their talents ultimately, to trade fairly, to manage their own time reasonably and most importantly to glorify Lord by helping others and seeking advice from Lord to run the business.
For suppliers (or business related tutors), we provide a suitable channel of trading to buy their products and services. Revenue is made and their talents are showed.
2. 以基督徒心助人
2. Using Christian’s hearts to help others
Revenue can be used for offering to God.
Spring of Grace Music has offered free instruments and courses to different community centers in society and volunteers from the centers provide help as well.
Not only could the poor learn music, Spring of Grace Music has tried to develop a channel for them to run their own business by establishing branches and offer working opportunities for the jobless in Cambodia.
Employees could use the salaries to payback to their family.
3. 以神兒子身份叫人認識神
3. Sharing the gospel as Lord’s son
We believe it is a good way to know about God by music as lots of music created in the past history and remained now is related to Jesus Christ. We use and teach music as we would love to use music to respond God’s love.
We are a group of Christians who love God and we would know lots of people in different business occasions, therefore, it is a chance for us to share the gospel letting more people to know about God by us.
Besides, we could teach others music to worship.
兩年前,WATER OF LIFE的弟兄姊妹是第一次來港探訪香港的教會。那時我們一見如故,特別是我們認識了彈琴了得的柬埔寨弟兄Rin Yame。 他對音樂和藝術有濃厚的興趣,上帝給了他極高的音樂天份,於柬埔寨藝術學院畢業的他能演奏多種樂器。他一直想接觸saxophone,但因為柬埔寨很難買到saxophone 及它的配件, 因此,恩泉音樂送了一支saxophone 和一些配件給他。兩年後的今天,他再來香港分享,他已經能夠在台上演奏saxophone。他更帶來一班音樂人來探訪我,我們今次分享了大家的夢, 在主裏大家的夢都是一致的。 他們邀請了我們到柬埔寨探訪他們, 作實地考察。
Two years before, brothers and sisters from Water of Life came to Hone Kong for their first time. They had sharing with some different churches. We were so happy to meet Rin Yame, one of the Cambodian brothers. He is very strongly gifted and talented in music and art. He is graduated from one of the art colleges in Cambodia. Not only he can play piano very well, but also can play many other different musical instruments. He shared that he always wanted to play and learn saxophone but unluckily it was difficult to find saxophone and its accessories in Cambodia. Therefore, Spring of Grace Music gave Rin one saxophone and some accessories. Two years pasts, today he come to Hong Kong again. Now he is able to perform saxophone on the stage. At the same time, he brings a group of musicians to visit us. We have shared our dreams. The dreams are attractive, and they belong to our God. We are so excited that Water of Life invited us to visit them in Cambodia to see how to make the dream comes true.
2015年9月,恩泉音樂的同事到WATER OF LIFE 探訪,亦展開初期的合作計劃。柬埔寨是發展中國家,20 年前經歷了國家的困難時期,現在才重新建立經濟發展和民生建設。雖然當中人民收入偏低,但青年人口比例比很多國家高。因此,我們看重這群年青人的實際及心靈的需要。他們也需要一份能維生的工作, 但他們更需要救主耶穌。
In September 2015, we visited Water of Life in Cambodia, to achieve the first step of our ministry. Cambodia is a developing country; the citizens have just passed the difficult time of the country in the past 20 years. Now, this country is in the re-establishing state. Their economic development and the people's living standard is improving. Although many people in this country have low income, the proportion of young people is more than those in many other countries, so the country is energetic. They need a job, they need to live better, and they also need the savior - Jesus. Therefore, we especially want to do somethings to help these young people on their physically and spiritual needs.
我們從香港到逹Water Of Life, 當然要分享香港獨特的美食- Cup noodle, 月餅, 糖水及串燒小食!
We have brought some Hong Kong style delicious food to Cambodia - Water of Life, including the Cup Noodles, moon cakes and some Hong Kong street foods!
Water Of Life 是在柬埔寨一間政府認可的非牟利基徒教機構,每星期為當地人們提供教育、醫療支緩、生活技能培訓及基督徒門訓服事。這機構座落於柬埔寨金邊市,同時亦是40多個14- 25歲青少年的家園, 為他們提供生活及學業上的支援。機構亦興建了女生宿舍, 幫助當地有需要的女生得到上學的機會及學習到所需要的生活技能。
Water of Life (WOL) is an approved, allowed and registered NGO through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Government of Cambodia. It provides education, medical assistance, life skills and Christian discipleship to over 300 Khmers on a weekly basis. Randy Fleming is the Director, with Cambodian leaders Rin Yame and Channa Bo assisting.
The ministry center in Phnom Penh is home to over 40 young men between the ages of 14- 25 who needed assistance in life, and resources to complete their education. A house for college age girls to receive college education and/or life skills is also located nearby.
有得食, 大家就最開心啦! They like the food very much! The boys can eat a lot of Food!~
我們也到了金邊的鄰近村莊, 探訪Water Of Life 其中一位導師Rotana (他是結他及BASS 好手!)的家鄉, 他們一家是農民, 身體十分壯健, 雖然生活艱苦但卻是這村內一間教會的支柱。
We also went to a village near the Capital Phnom Penh. We visited one of the teachers in Water of Life, Rotana Roeung. (He is also a good bass player!). His family members are farmers. They are healthy. Their lives are a little bit hard but they are the pillar of the village church for many years.
We had a big lunch. The table behind had a big piece of cloth covering the strong sunshine. We originally thought that it was a special design in Cambodia village, but they shared with us that it was because they only had money to build half of the wall, so when heavy rain came, the half of the house would be flooded. However, they said it was thankful that they had half of the room completed.
這是柬埔寨傳統樂器~ Traditional Musical Instrument of Cambodia
別看我們只是吃喝玩樂同探訪, 這次旅程中我們已跟他們當中音樂人開了好幾次認真的會議, 教授了一些維修樂器的技術給他們, 安排好當中的公司人物角色, 分享了長中短線的目標方向
we are not just eating, drinking and play in this trip! In this trip we have already hold several serious meetings with the musican, teaching of some repairing skill of the musical instruments to them, assigned some of them be the company person in charged, shared a long in the short-term the target and direction to them!
Objective and Plan for Setting up a Cambodian “Bricks-and-Mortar” Music Shop
Spring of Grace has launched the “musical instrument consignment service” in Cambodia, whose operation will be taken care of by Cambodian brothers and sisters who have knowledge of music. Musical instruments including flute, saxophone, guitar and trumpet will be sold at local market price. Part of the profit will support the salaries of brothers and sisters. For those who are good at music, they can make a living using the instruments for teaching too. Besides, Spring of Grace is ready to offer training on music and instrument maintenance, with the hope that brothers and sisters can increase their income through their music knowledge.
If situation permits, part of the profit will be set aside for a development fund which will be used to finance a bricks-and-mortar music shop in Cambodia. The objective is that through the physical music shop, the business philosophy and ministry direction of Spring of Grace can be realised in Cambodia. With the presence of a physical shop, Cambodian brothers and sisters can be better supported since it can be used for teaching purpose, musical instrument display, employee training and instrument maintenance training.
In meeting the company objective through doing things pleasing to the Lord, the bricks-and-mortar shop can serve as a gathering place for believers. It can be a place for regular concerts, worships and gospel-sharing activities. As long as we take bold steps for our faith, we can have endless possibilities.
In the long term, we would like to see a manufacturing base established in Cambodia, with Spring of Grace introducing musical instrument production technology into the country. By so doing, more employment opportunities are offered and talents are better deployed. As for music learning, we aspire to bring in internationally recognised teaching and assessment systems and develop well-rounded teaching guidelines. Having a music academy is our long term objective, and if theological subjects like Christian worship studies are taught, a seminary may be founded eventually. We are confident that these works will bring abundant opportunities for God’s work.
以過來人的經驗, 音樂為工作項目。首先,要懂教學工作, 當地音樂人渴望以自身技能幫助他人,在我們離開後Sopheak Joshua 就作先鋒開辦三個月免費的柬埔寨結他班,他在facebook刊登了這張結他班的宣傳海報,短時間已有過200人回應或留名參與,上堂當天人數太多,以致不夠位坐!
To share our experience how to let music be your job, we encourage them first be a music teacher to teach somethings you strong.The musican in Water of Life always want to us their skill and learning to help others. Sopheak Joshua, when we just back to Hong Kong, he become the first pioneer who hold a free guitar lesson to Cambodian for three month.,When he posted this free guitar classes poster on facebook, it has over 300 people have been leaving respond or participate. When the date the lesson begin. Even the hall are not enough for the crowd of people!
Sopheak Joshua 的免費結他班海報
The poster of The free Guitar Lesson by Sopheak Joshua
The hall is full of the students attending the guitar lesson
Cambodian students work hard and seriously practising
可以觀看youtube 看下他們的學習情況!
Here has a youtube video recorded in their guitar lesson
2015年10月 恩泉音樂讚助的結他及配件己送到柬埔寨
October 2015 guitars and accessories sponsored by Spring of Grace Music has been sent and well rececived by the Water of Life Musican
從柬埔寨回來香港, 我們恩泉音樂一點都没有賴散, 為了使當地民眾得到最好價格, 我們向超過20 間物流公司格價, 又要計劃送那款產品較為合適,當中要處理的問題不能盡錄,加班了一整個星期,排除萬難,也憑藉信心奉獻出去,籌備兩個月的工作正式順利展開, 首輪結他及配件順利到逹柬埔寨,原先安排好的工作人員歡喜的接受這遠來的貨品
Came back from Cambodia, we haven’t be lazy for a moment. In order to enable local people to get the best price, we have contact more than 20 logistics companies to compare their prices. And we also think seriously what kind of products are more appropriate to the local customers. We deal with a lot of the exhaustive problem, be overtime for a whole week, solve a lot of difficulty. And also sell out the musical instrument by faith and trust in God and them. Finally, first guitar and accessories have been smoothly go to they hand. They are happy to receive this goods.
同時他們正式開設了Fackbook 專頁,YAHWEH MUSIC( I Am Music)網上店舖,這名字也十分有意思,喜歡音樂的人都會視他音樂為他的生命,另外也是取自聖經舊約中上帝稱自己為“I am who I am” 的當中意思.
At the same time the musican has announced a Facebook page, YAHWEH MUSIC (I Am Music) online shop, this name is also very interesting. The people who love music will say music is their life. Also this name is come from the Old Testament, God said he name is "I am who I am".
據他們的消息, 結他未到己先己經有朋友跟他們留貨要試彈, 短短數日都有不錯的成績.
They has tell us that, the guitar has not yet reached their hand but some of their friends has already want to try and tell them to keep the stocks. Just a few days their even have a good result.
我們會繼續在網站及facebook 更新事工發展,相信神會在當中使用各人,請大家多多回來或加上我們facebook 留意動向
We will continue to update the website and ministry development at facebook, I believe God will use every one, please come back, or add us on facebook to get some current news about this ministry!
If you do not know music, you can be a part on this God's Music Ministry. We hope you get a little touching on our sharing.This Cambodia Music ministry can also be your ministry. We invite you to join help! Whether you donate or support money, material, manpower, even a little pray for us. We need you help!
編輯人::討論區主管::2016-03-05 11:45:27
地址 : 香港旺角黑布街96-102號威發大廈6/F D室(旺角港鐵站D3出口或旺角東港鐵站B出口) Flat D, 6/F, Wai Fat Building, 96-102 Hak Po Street, Mong Kok, Kowloon, Hong Kong 營業時間:星期一至星期六12:00-8:00pm 星期日及公眾假期可致電預約 電話 : 2395 2960 傳真 : 3563 5970 Whatsapp: 9303 1508 Email : cs@springofgrace.com |